Moves Made Easy – Moving With Children

House removals can feel like a bit of a daunting process, but simple steps can smooth the pathway from one home to another.

When there are children involved, the key to moving the whole family is to keep everyone occupied and included as much as possible, whilst striking a balance and making sure that people aren’t in the way at vital times.

It can be a bit nerve-wracking to move to another home – normally there are new jobs and schools to think about, never mind new neighbours and a new place to discover before you can really call it home. It’s important to stay positive around younger members of the family, so that they can start looking forward to the move. They may not really understand why they have to leave all the things that are familiar to them, so keeping them included can be a good distraction but also make them feel excited about this big change. If they are really too small to get involved, you can ask the removals team to let them sit in the van and pretend to drive (all little ones love this) or have one counting the boxes as they go into the back of the van.

What kind of hazards are there?

Pets and small children can actually be a hazard to removal companies so it may be a good idea to leave them with a family friend or relative whilst the actual move is taking place. Pets, especially cats, can be quite the hindrance as they are curious by nature and can creep out of doorways quietly without someone seeing them. This has been the cause of many an accident during a move! If the cat nips out the door in front of one of the removals team, that trip could damage your precious items, never mind the cat!

How to involve the children

One way to get children involved is to give them a box of their own, which they can take to their bedroom. They can pack up their favourite toys and books and they’ll be delighted to open and unpack that box at the other end. It’s like a present!

Another good idea is to have them pack their things last so that they get unpacked first. Let them take their favourite toy in the car when they are travelling to the new house too.


Children are actually great at labeling boxes. If you have more than one child, send them into a room with one set of coloured stickers – i.e. blue for the bathroom and red for the living room. They can label all the boxes and then stick a label on the door of the corresponding room at the new house so the movers know where to put each box.

Why choose Arrowpak International?

When looking for removal services, look no further than Arrowpak International. We have over 40 years of providing house removal and storage services across the UK. For further enquiries, visit us at or call us on +44(00)1842 812 165.

Our Head Office is located at ARROWPAK, Sherwood House, Norwood Road, Brandon, Suffolk, IP27 0PB and we also have local offices in Thetford, Bury St Edmunds, Cambridge and Newmarket.

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